Access my live




workshop For FREE:






How to Get Your 




(and Life) Back Without




Fighting Your Body




Save your space: 


Date:  Thursday 12th September 




Time:  5 - 6:30pm BST (12pm EST)


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You're about to learn


 💗 How to recover from your chronic illness so you can get your energy back without having constant flare ups

💗 Learn the biggest thing that might be holding your recovery back and simple ways to get into a healing state

💗 Leave with immediate action steps so that you can start to feel better ASAP

💗 Learn safe somatic practises to feel more comfortable in your body

💗 The first steps to increasing your energy and feeling comfortable setting boundaries

Anamika Jha


I felt 70% lighter as if that burden has been drained off my shoulders.

I am so grateful for this session & the amazing work she does especially in the chronic illness field.

She is such a gem. I would highly recommend anyone suffering to approach Jenny without a second thought.

Beth White


I've been SO much calmer and regulated day to day. I was able to also spend days out the house, travelling on trains and in London, without panic attacks and body sensations as a result of Jenny's support. 

To anyone thinking about investing in their recovery, without a doubt Jenny is your woman! 



I was sooooo sick just a few months ago!!

I went to pick up a package a few days ago, alone, driving my car, and I cried on the way

This would have been impossible for me just a few months ago

I barely made it to the bathroom from my bedroom

And I’m moving into my own apartment tomorrow!!